Progress Report

Hello all!

Thought I’d update some stuff (and not just because my brain is too tired to come up with a more entertaining blog).

First, classes are over for me until August. Woo! My students and I have earned a rest (although when I asked during conferences, most were working and/or taking at least one summer class). It’s a little unreal that my weekends will not be devoted to grading papers and my week days devoted to grading in-class activities. Nor will I have to fit in things like laundry and grocery shopping around the all-consuming class work. It’s amazing to me how much stuff goes into to teaching only two classes. I don’t know how people teach four!

Second, I have begun the endless slog of yard work. Most people have these cute little yards with tame little plantings. Our yard thinks it’s still part of the wild! So each year, there’s the wrestle-the-yard-into-submission phase before any of the fun (fun? Is yard work fun?) begins. This morning, I took a weed wacker to some of the overgrown stuff and tried to uncover the plants I had put in last year. I found most of them, but I’m afraid I either wacked some or weeded them–I get a little vigorous about things I guess. The one shining star is that we are putting in a butterfly bed. It’s going to be an octagon! I’m going to try to take pictures as I progress. Eventually, it will be filled with things that butterflies like, such as coneflowers (echinacea if you’re fancy) and black-eyed Susans and liatris (which I spelled right, I think. It looks funny!).

Third, I’m trying to do spring cleaning. Yes, I know it’s almost summer. I don’t like cleaning and I felt just awful for most of April, so *raspberry.*

Fourth, as I mentioned, I finished writing a novel, so I have to start going through that and fixing things. I write a fairly clean first draft but 1) there’s always something I missed (usually typos, but I do occasionally change almost all of a sentence, so there’s this weird artifact left). I also want to make sure my world-building is consistent–I like to discover as I write, so I always have to go back after I’ve made up my mind. As soon as it’s ready, I’m going to see if anyone wants to publish it. Fingers crossed, knocked wood, hurried mumbled thanks in advance to any publishing fairies nearby…

Fifth, I’ve started writing a new book. It’s more of a straight mystery. I’m excited by it. For one, there are a few irritating characters that are a blast to write. For another, I think it’s an interesting conceit. We’ll see!

Sixth, I’m beginning an exercise class on Saturdays through my college. It’s weights and stretching. Since I’ve not been going to my regular class, I though I’d try this out. In general, I need to be more active–it’s good for body and mind!

Seventh, I have the surgery to put in the metal parts of my dental implant Friday the 27th. Although my dentist explained how unlikely anything is to go wrong–and assured me that it’s less traumatic than extraction, I’m still a bit nervous, probably because I’m a worrier by nature. There is almost no chance that I’ll be updating this blog until the 31st of May at the earliest. So  you’ve been warned.

Eighth, as you’ve probably noticed, I’ve resumed this blog. I can’t promise that I’ll write everyday, but I think I can write most days. I’ll do my best, which is all anyone can ask.

What are your summer plans? What’s happening? How’re doing? Anything new? 🙂

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